It’s February first as I write this. As the research shows, millions of people by now have already given up on their year’s resolutions!
We all love to set ambitious health goals: Eat better. Exercise more. Lose weight…. These are noble goals, but here’s what nobody tells you: You’re focusing on the wrong target.
It’s your brain that coordinates every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. Yet most people focus on external solutions for their health challenges. They chase symptoms instead of addressing the internal control centre – the brain.
Well the good news is… It’s Chinese New Year so you have a second chance to set new goals for 2025. I would suggest focusing on your brain health this year, because it’s the ONE thing you definitely need to improve your life!
The two modes of your brain
Did you know that your brain operates in two distinct states?
(A) Survival Mode
When your brain perceives danger, it triggers survival responses. Your heart rate increases, breathing becomes shallow, and blood flows away from digestive organs. Here’s the kicker: your brain can’t distinguish between real threats and daily stressors like traffic jams or work deadlines. Everything is labeled ‘threat’, even if it isn’t in reality. This is what can keep us in constant threat/survival mode.
(B) Thrival Mode (also referred to as healing mode)
This is where true health happens. In this state, your brain coordinates optimal function throughout your body. You experience better sleep, digestion, and emotional wellbeing. This is also known as the parasympathetic dominant. In the thrival mode we feel connected to our creator, we feel balanced, in tune with our body and nature around us.
The inside-out truth of where health comes from
Health comes from above-down and inside-out. It’s your brain that coordinates healing from within to take place, not from external interventions (although these can assist with the process). When you understand this principle, you’ll stop chasing symptoms and start addressing the root cause of your health problems.
When your brain operates in survival mode, it doesn’t matter how many salads you eat or miles you run. Your body can’t heal or transform while your brain perceives constant danger.
True health transformation starts with optimising your brain function. When your brain shifts from survival mode to thrival mode, you experience:
- Better sleep quality
- Improved digestion
- Enhanced emotional wellbeing
- Natural weight management
- Increased energy levels
How modern life stress affects your brain
Up to 90% of disease is influenced by stress. Modern life constantly triggers survival mode through:
- Technology overload
- Rapid pace of life
- Social structure changes
- Environmental toxins
All these factors contribute to prolonged or chronic stress which diminishes our efforts to get healthy (which can result in giving up on health habits).
How to make the shift to better health
To experience your truly healthy self in 2025 and unlock more energy, vitality and passion for life, focus on these key areas:
Become aware of your body signals:
Start by understanding the signals that your body is giving you. Measure your:
- Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
- Brain wave patterns
- Sleep quality
- Energy levels
Invest into brain training and coaching:
Just like building muscle, you can train your brain to handle stress better. This involves:
- Regular brain-based chiropractic care
- Proper breathing techniques
- Quality sleep
- Mindful movement
At The Chiropractic Centre, we have exercises that help keep your brain healthy by strengthening your mindsets, improving your sleep, breathing correctly and recalibrating your nervous system.
Take your next step
Make 2025 your year of transformation by focusing on the one thing that controls everything else – your brain. A healthy brain leads to a healthy life.
Book your Brain Score:
Click here to schedule your brain health assessment at our clinic in Hong Kong, or you can take the online initial assessment complimentary. This non-invasive scan reveals how your brain responds to stress and helps identify potential health challenges.
Speak with our team:
Call us on 2973 0353 (or whatsapp 5664 8122) to learn how our Brain-Based Chiropractic care can help you make real and lasting progress to your health in 2025 and beyond.
Attend our live and online workshops:
We run regular in-person and online workshops throughout the year. Contact our office to join the waiting list or follow us on instagram to stay up to date.