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To have a healthier year, improve this ONE thing

improve this one thing to have healthy year

It’s February first as I write this. As the research shows, millions of people by now have already given up on their year’s resolutions!  We all love to set ambitious health goals: Eat better. Exercise more. Lose weight…. These are noble goals, but here’s what nobody tells you: You’re focusing on the wrong target.  It’s […]

The Three T’s of Stress

stress three T's

At The Chiropractic Centre, we help people identify the root cause of their stress. Oftentimes, a patient who has a sore neck is in that condition because their brain is in survival mode and their body is in defence mode. The root cause is the overload of stress into the brain and nervous system. Together, […]

Why we need rest for our mind and body

sleep and rest on the Brain

Our mind and body are deeply interconnected. Sleep plays a critical role in maintaining the connections between our neurological and musculoskeletal systems that influence our overall health and wellbeing. Rest, in its many forms, is often seen as a luxury or an afterthought in our fast-paced society. However, it’s a critical component of our health […]

Modern day stress and how to deal with it

stress brain

Stress is our body’s response to any demand or perceived threat. There are 4 main types of stress which our brain responds to. Whenever your brain perceives a threat, it gears your body up to enter “fight or flight” mode (survival mode), releasing a flood of chemicals and hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. This […]